_LZcMkAanuKJ2fbFY43u532hSQk Ev Curl Gurl: November 2017


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Fingerlings Real vs. Fake



Goodness, these cute little Fingerlings. The cause of so much joy and grief, yet it's still an entire month before Christmas arrives. If you recall, I posted an article featuring my ToysRUs Gigi the Unicorn Fingerlings on November 20th (see it here), and since then she made an appearance on Pix11 News on the 22nd How? My social media posts of the unicorn. I got the call for the story just as I was heading out to the Macy's Balloon Inflation. Story? Fake Fingerlings (relax, my Gigi Unicorn is real). With demands high, supply short and tempers flaring; parents are going crazy trying to find a Fingerlings for their kids in time for Christmas. I even had a parent try to snatch mine off my finger! She nearly broke my finger!

Go Gigi ðŸ¦„
I'm having a blast testing toys this holiday (marketing). Which brings us to fake Fingerlings. Sure you may have seen the reports, warnings and I know it may be impossible to find a Fingerlings in stores at this point (but don't give up). A friend of mine ordered a monkey Fingerlings from Amazon, which turned out to be a fake - so she gave it to me for this article. Now my Finn the Monkey Fingerlings (black with blue hair) is a Walmart exclusive, which came with a bonus base. If you see one online (eBay) and it doesn't have one, don't assume it's a fake. Also, you may purchase it as a gift for Christmas, which only means they won't be opened UNTIL December 25th. So what to look for?  (read on to see my pics...)

Front of packaging

Packaging - **Disregard the "Bonus Stand!" sticker, unless it was purchased at Walmart, an exclusive from Walmart, which is REAL.** Fingerlings are manufactured by WowWee, so look for the logo on the front AND back of the package. You can see it on the REAL one, right, lower, right-hand corner in the pink heart, under the word "sounds" (looks like a monkey with two eyes). It says "Baby Monkey" in the lower middle, to the left of the heart, by my thumb. The FAKE only says Baby Monkey, NO LOGO. This fake only worked about 12 hours, with the sounds on a recorded loop. Then it stopped working. Except for the eyes. This thing binks non-stop as if it's possessed! My advice? REAL fingerlings have a swirly logo/tattoo on their right buttock (colors vary by Monkey - Gigi the Unicorn has a horseshoe on her left cheek, which you can see from the side of the clear packaging even before opening it. Fake packaging varies, and different languages does not necessarily mean it's a fake. The true test is once you open it. 

A REAL Zoe the Monkey Fingerlings. Not the best pic, but you CAN see the purple swirly logo on its backside through packaging. **Logo color matches the hair.** 


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Evcurlgurl.com 4th Anniversary

Blog Anniversary

My how time flies. It was exactly four years ago today, though it was Thanksgiving morning, that after much debate about going solo as an editor (and sleep deprived from the cooking and fighting with a 20 lb. turkey - I won), I sat down and launched my baby: Evcurlgurl.com. Just like that! Fast-forward to 1,000 articles, thousands of products (I had to turn my spare bedroom into a product room) and hundreds of amazing events. What have I been up to? Beauty, events - still an Editor - Real Estate (got my license in February after only eight days of studying) and more marketing. 

Wonder X Funoogles movie premiere, November 16, 2017 
In the meantime, I have a few fab events that I attended the past couple of weeks: Birchbox X Arm & Hammer Spinbrush, Inner Orange Beauty X Dr. Smood (Smart Food), Nerium 2018 Launch Preview, the grand opening of Shobha Brow in Brooklyn and Wonder Movie X Funoogles Preview. Busy, busy bliss. Being the foto-freak that I am, check out some pics from the events:


Here are a few more (same events from the past month)


Yes, I know I took some time off, and I STILL have my Fashion Week posts to share with you guys, but I was not feeling well for a while. BUT I promise that there is so much in store for you (with a few surprises....) 

~Evelyn Lugo

Monday, November 20, 2017

Fingerlings Unicorn


It's been a while, but I'M BACK! If you follow me on Instagram, you'd see that I wasn't totally out of sight, just a bit busy (but I promise you it is worth it). Let's get to it. With the holidays upon us - Thanksgiving is THIS WEEK - that only means one thing: holiday shopping for one of the season's hottest toys, and it seems that Fingerlings is one of them. Don't ask me how, because I won't tell you, but I will say that mine CAME DIRECT FROM TOYSRUS. I was very fortunate to snag not just one, but FOUR Fingerlings, three of the extra elusive Gigi the Unicorn (I also have Finn the Monkey, as seen on Ellen, which I will share with you shortly.) I'm either really loved, or truly hated at the moment, but I plan to make to amazing kids happy this holiday with Gigi the 🦄🦄. 


What is it? "Friendship at your fingertips", Fingerlings are these cute interactive Monkeys that cling to your finger and interact with you, responding to sound and touch with the cutest sounds: hello, giggles, kisses, sneezes - even burps and farts (sorry, but they do) and more. #GigiTheUnicorn is only available at ToysRUs - and for the time being is really as impossible to track as the actual mythical creature. 🌈

All my Gigi the Unicorn Fingerlings came directly from ToysRUs
*NOTE: Please be careful of MANY fakes being sold via third party. There are things to look for when purchasing a Fingerlings, such as packaging, logos, name and distinctive markings. Gigi the Unicorn has a horse shoe decal on her left cheek and is ONLY sold at ToysRUs! There are a few articles out regarding fake Fingerlings.