Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dove #LoveYourCurlsCampaign


Early this morning Dove kicked off their #LoveYourCurls campaign during the 8:00 am hour of the TODAY show with a powerful short film. I am beyond proud to be able to participate in this campaign with my loves at Dove, a well-kept secret for many weeks. This film brought me to tears, as the little girls in the video reminded me of myself during my big(ger) hair days as a child, running and hiding from a mother with a heavy hand, weilding a large comb, determined to "comb out the kinks" in order to braid my hair just so that I looked "presentable." I hated my hair growing up as everything hair-wise felt like an inconvenience to me (or anyone who dared to "tame my mane!") This is why I love that Dove is helping to change that with this amazing campaign, by encouraging anyone with curls to embrace it and see it for what it truly is - BEAUTY

I don't let anyone touch my hair (it's not a petting zoo) unless it's a little girl (or boy) who is fascinated by my curls. They all pull it to see it coil up, followed by a "boing" sound effect lol. I do this because it shows them that curls are beautiful, that I love them and so should they. I wouldn't be the "Curl~Gurl" if I didn't, would I? Here is the video from Dove's Love Your Curls campaign. I'm sure many of you can and will relate to these beautiful little curl~friends (I did):  

Show us how you #LoveYourCurls and help inspire the next generation.
  • Visit Dove.com
  • View/share video
  • Share your story via Dove.com/LoveYourCurls
  • Show you #LoveYourCurls on Twitter and Facebook

~Evelyn Lugo

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