Thursday, March 13, 2014


Ev 32 Effervescent Breath Crystals: 
(Pop Rocks-Like) Breath Mints

"Breath Beauty ev by 32(or 32 Effervescent Breath Crystals) not only got my attention due to the name "ev"but who doesn't remember and love POP ROCKS Candy? That's exactly what these breath crystals are: Pop Rocks that freshen your breath and whiten your teeth. Sure you use gum or breath mints, but ev by 32 are not only fun (you should see the reactions I get when I pop them at a meeting) but give you sugar-free, breath beauty in only 5 calories.

32 are effervescent breath crystals that use zinc-laden IsoVoxy crystals to attack bad breath at its source: the VSC's (Volitaile Sulfer Compounds.) Ev by 32 was created by Thomas Connelly DDS, whose experience spans 15 years, many Northeastern states and also has a practice right here in NY, on Manhattan's Upper East Side! 32 Effervescent Breath Crystals are available in 30 ($14.75) or 60 ($29.50) count packs and in the following fun flavors: 

  • Peppermint
  • Lemon Mint
  • Spearmint
  • Cinnamon
  • Cinnamon Fire
  • Watermelon Mojito
  • Peppermint Plus
  • Vanilla Peppermint
  • Cinnamon Fire Plus

Instructions: Open packet and pour contents into your mouth. Swish crystals in mouth with saliva for 60 seconds. Rub the crystals against teeth with your tongue and cheeks. Swallow and enjoy sustained fresh breath. Use as needed.

To purchase, visit www.32oc.comLive in CANADA? Great, you can buy 32 Effervescent Breath Crystals if you live outside the U.S through The Shopping Channel (click link.) 

~Evelyn Lugo

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